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Reflections on Gratitude

Usually we think of Gratitude on Thanksgiving day, yet the attitude of gratitude is a very powerful spiritual "dissolvent" of negativity.  Gratitude contains the humility in seeing, understanding and being patient and present.  It contains the humility to appreciate and know with the heart.  It starts with a simple statement:  "Thank you God, thank you life, for giving me the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the heart to feel.  Yes thank you for my ability to feel pain, sadness, joy, enthusiasm, awe, admiration and love.  I even thank you for fear.  Fear has been the greatest catalyst for my spiritual growth."

Gratitude produces paradigm shifts.  Gratitude is the spiritual dissolvent of fear. One does not need to know the origin of the word to feel the grace contained within it.  I feel the power contained within.  It makes me feel blessed, privileged, connected, content, fulfilled and happy!  Gratitude anchors me in the now.  Although my mind is traveling through the time and different places, my awareness and my feelings are in the now.

Gratitude is my strongest connection to humility and, therefore, to the knowingness and feeling of my Oneness with God.  It changes my attitude of victim hood, self-pity, self-centeredness and self-absorption into an attitude of understanding, acceptance and ability to appreciate what is vs. wishful thinking.  Without gratitude my ego would have the tendency to be cut up in some self-absorbed drama.  You can't be grateful and miserable.  Gratitude allows me to see and understand the big picture, and the lesson.  Therefore, it promotes forgiveness in some cases and is the result of forgiveness in others.  Gratitude is the healing balm for past wounds.

Gratitude is the humility in recognizing the source, the ability to rejoice, ability to be in awe, ability to admire, praise, and count the blessings.  It is the ability to be proactive.

Gratitude is the energy of joy, peace and abundance combined.  It is the belief in Divine Order and the trust in the working out of the Divine Plan.  Gratitude is seeing with the eyes of love beyond the circumstances.  Gratitude is the antidote to depression.  Gratitude is the catalyst of growth, the deep sense of fulfillment.  Gratitude is the now-moment bringing freedom from addictive cravings and of core addictions.  Gratitude is the belief in the goodness of this Universe in spite of appearances to the contrary.  Gratitude is knowing God's love for us.  Gratitude is the "fuel" of manifestation, it is hope actualized.  "Thank you for my abundance" is the magnetic force attracting more good into our lives!  It changes brain waves and body chemistry.  Dare to experience it.

In this new century and millenium what is required of us is a quantum leap in consciousness, in our beingness and in our attitudes.  This century requires quantum skills for a new humanity.  Allow the gratitude in your heart to bring forth the quantum being that you are.

Count your blessings - erase your perception of what you lack.

Count your blessings - dissolve your fears.

Count your blessings - dry your tears.

It works when WE work it!

Love Liliane



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    There are three main types of experimental research design. First one is Random group design, second one is match group design and last one is natural group design. In all these designs the main focus of researcher is to evaluate the relationship between independent and dependent variable.

Reader Comments (1)

Thanks Lilianefor this beautiful reminder!!! I needed it today!!!

February 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSally Peterson

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